Megan Traynor: interesting facts, best songs, biography, listen

Megan Traynor Megan Traynor - which epithets will be able to describe it adequately? Bright, extraordinary, bold, funny and insanely talented. She burst into the world of pop scenes like a hurricane, stirring the public and critics. One clip "All About That Bass" she earned the recognition of millions of fans and opposed themselves not less than haters.

Imagine Dragons: interesting facts, best songs, history, listen

Imagine Dragons Imagine Dragons is a popular indie rock band from America, which has become a real sensation and has not ceased to amaze its listeners around the world for many years. Their music unites people with completely different tastes. All this is due to the unreal charge of positive energy, drive, feeling of fullness of life in their texts and presentation.

Concert programs of the ensemble "Semper-musica"

Concert programs: "In the name of Clara" R. Schumann - Quartet op.47 Es-dur for piano, violin, viola and cello I. Brahms - Quartet No. 1 g-moll op.25 for piano, violin, viola and cello The program is composed from the works of composers - romantics. This genre is easy for anyone to listen to, regardless of age, musical tastes and degree of preparedness.

Jazz quintet "Edelweiss"

Angelika Markova (vocal) - Winner of the international jazz competition, participant of jazz festivals (Arkhangelsk, Samara, etc.), graduate of the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesinyh. Lecturer of the RATI-GITIS (Estrada faculty, courses Garkalina V., Schukina A., Borisova M., Shanina E., Vasilyeva Y.) Permanent soloist of the group "Edelweiss".

V.A. Mozart Symphony No. 39: history, video, content, interesting facts

V.A. Mozart Symphony No. 39 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is the greatest composer of the classicism era. His life is permeated with contrasts: from glory and recognition to a beggarly existence. Only the music brightened his hard everyday life. The composer simultaneously had to work on opera and instrumental works, during which the synthesis of genres took place, the dramaturgy intensified, the melodic images became more prominent.

Bylinas of the Kiev cycle

Bylinas of the Kiev cycle include epic legends, the plot of which unfolds in or near the capital city of Kiev, and the central images are Prince Vladimir and the Russian heroes: Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. The main theme of these works is the heroic struggle of the Russian people against external enemies, nomadic tribes.

Spanish Guitar and Music

Guitar and music of Spain Probably, hardly today you will meet a person who has never heard the music of Spain. The soft sound of the guitar, charming melodies, clear rhythms ... Today, Spain can not be imagined without a guitar, it is considered to be its national instrument with a long history. About how its "fate" was taking place several centuries ago, we will tell some interesting facts.