Voice hygiene, or how to grow a good voice?

Some vocalists are gifted with a beautiful voice from birth and in order to make a real diamond from an uncut diamond, they need to try a little bit. But what about those people who want to become really good vocalists, but the nature of their voices is not so strong?

So how to grow a voice? Let's pay attention to three main points: listening to good music, professional singing and vocalist's daily routine.

Good music

What you have in your headphones is fully reflected in your voice, did you know about that? In fact, if you listen to good vocalists who have a meaty voice, as they say, a correctly posed voice, then your voice will be formed exactly the same. In this way, you can not only create a new voice, but also adjust the already formed one.

Please consider the next time you will replenish your playlist! This is very important for every musician, of course, if he is interested in what he is doing.

Singing from the vocalists is like a warm-up for athletes!

No athlete will begin training or performing at competitions without warming up. The same should be done by the vocalist in relation to the chanting. After all, singing not only prepares the vocal apparatus for hard work, but also forms singing skills! While singing, they do breathing exercises, and without proper breathing while singing - nowhere!

Regular good singing allows you to expand the range, improve intonation, make the sound of the voice more even during singing, improve the skills of articulation and spelling and much more. For each skill, there are various exercises that you probably know. Begin each vocal lesson with chanting!

Voice hygiene and vocalist performance

In the vocal dictionary, the concept of "voice hygiene" has such a meaning - the vocalist observes certain rules of behavior that ensure the preservation of the health of the vocal apparatus.

And if you speak in a simpler language, this means that you cannot sing for a long time without a break on notes that are very high for your vocal range. You have to keep track of the load that you give to your voice. Excessive loads are NOT ALLOWED!

Sharp temperature changes adversely affect the voice apparatus (after a bath in the cold, do not sing!). And it is also very important to devote enough time to sleep. Get enough sleep! And strictly regime ...

With regard to nutrition, it is advisable not to eat food and drinks that irritate the mucous membrane of the throat, for example: spicy, too salty, too cold or hot. It is not necessary to sing right after you have eaten, it will only interfere with natural breathing, but you should not sing on an empty stomach either. The best option: sing 1-2 hours after a meal.

Watch the video: DESTROY YOUR VOICE in 5 easy steps! Singing habits to AVOID. #DrDan (March 2025).

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