How to return the enthusiasm to the student of the music school?

Any teacher is pleased to work with a student who is interested in their successes and seeks to improve the results achieved. However, almost every child has a period when he wants to quit music lessons.

In most cases, this is observed in 4-5 years of study. Often, the situation is worsened by the attitude of parents who will gladly dump the blame from their offspring on the “incompetent” teacher.

To understand the child

Sometimes it is worth reminding yourself that a student is far from an adult in miniature. He is still unable to fully understand and appreciate what is happening to him. And there is a gradual injection into adulthood, which inevitably entails certain responsibilities.

By and large, up to this point everyone was playing with the child, adjusting to his desires and not particularly loading. Now the demands have begun. The load and volume of homework in a comprehensive school increased. Added additional lessons in the school music. And the program itself becomes more difficult. Need more time to spend on the tool. The student is expected to improve the technique of the game, and the repertoire of works is also complicated.

All this is new for the child and falls on him with an unexpected burden. And this cargo seems to him very heavy. That is gradually increasing internal rebellion. Depending on the temperament of the student, it can take different forms. From negligence in the performance of homework to direct conflict with the teacher.

Contact with parents

To prevent conflicts with parents of students in the future, it will be wise to tell from the very beginning that one day the young musician will declare that he does not want to study further, he is bored with everything and he does not want to see the instrument. Also assure them that this period is short.

Anyway, during your studies, try to maintain live contact with them. Seeing your interest, they will be calmer for their child and will not rush to question your professionalism in the event of an acute problematic period.

Praise inspires

What concrete practical steps can help spark fading enthusiasm in the student?

  1. Do not ignore the beginning apathy. In fact, parents should be more involved in this, but the reality is that they will gladly provide you with a sense of the mood and condition of the child.
  2. Reassure the child that others have gone through the same. If appropriate, share your own experiences or cite as examples other students or even musicians whom he admires.
  3. If possible, allow the student to participate in the selection of the repertoire. After all, to study the works that he liked it much more exciting.
  4. Emphasize what he has already achieved and encourage in that, with a little effort, he will achieve even greater heights.
  5. And do not forget to mark not only the points that need to be corrected, but also those that he did well.

These simple actions will save your nerves and support your pupil.

Watch the video: Hartt Alumna Brings Her Students to the University to Learn About College Life and Music (March 2025).

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