Amazing music pieces

"Polonez Oginsky"

Ave Maria

Pathetic sonata

"To Elise"

String and helicopter quartet

The secret world of R. Schumann in "Carnival"

Claude Debussy "Moonlight"

Winter road

Franz Liszt "Hungarian Rhapsodies"

Franz Schubert "Beautiful miller's"

I.S. Bach "HTK" (Well-Tempered Clavier)

R. Schumann "Poet's Love"

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

Chopin's Preludes

Tchaikovsky's Romances

Sonatas for Schubert's Piano

The Ballads of Frederic Chopin

Romances Rachmaninov

Preludes Scriabin

S. Rachmaninov "Italian polka"

Mn Mussorgsky "Pictures at an Exhibition"

Preludes Rachmaninov

Preludes of Shostakovich

Schubert's waltzes

Etudes by Chopin

Debussy Preludes

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Children's Album"

Etudes Liszt

I.S. Bach Organ Toccata and Fugue (d-moll)


F. Mendelsohn "Songs without words"

I.S. Bach Suites and Partitas for Clavier

Romances of Taneyev

Sometimes we do not even guess what secrets and mystical stories envelop well-known musical works. Moreover, at first glance it may seem that this applies only to contemporary composers who are trying to step as far as possible from all predecessors in order to be noticed in order to fully reveal their talent. But this is far from the case. Amazing music can be found in every era, so that there, almost every famous composer. Undoubtedly, they were all geniuses and they could not help but leave us an encrypted message in their writings or not envelop them with the aura of mysticism and mystery. You have the opportunity to listen to these unusual compositions and to lift the veil of secrecy now, so what else are you slowing down ?!

Watch the video: Most Epic Classical Music Pieces Collection. 6-Hour Playlist HD (March 2025).

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