Musical Journey Around the World Part One - Native Land

Musical journey around the world

Part One - Native Land

Traction to travel lies in the very nature of man. Is it possible to find people who do not like to travel and would not like to travel around all existing countries? Most likely no. And what about children who are able to see a huge and beautiful world in a new street? But it often happens that not every family can get out into nature, travel to other cities and countries. And sometimes you want to arrange a holiday for your child, and show how people live, what they breathe and what songs they sing.

Traveling light

Absolutely any mother can arrange a small trip to different parts of the world for a child. For such a trip you will need a globe, and even better a large wall map that can be laid on the floor; a paper airplane or boat, if you decide to sail; and a little time for drawing up the route and clarifying local customs, the benefit of finding information on the Internet is not difficult. You will also need a computer or a music center, because music is an integral part of any culture. Well, let's start?

Most often in the house you can find a map of the country where the family lives. Our homeland is huge and on its territory live hundreds of different nationalities with their own musical instruments and customs. Diversifying a child requires at least a basic knowledge of musical instruments and music. We often forget that you can play beautiful music on unusual instruments for us. Invite your child to the Caucasus, tell about this marvelous land and, of course, let them listen to how gently the duduk sounds or dance to the fiery mountain rhythms.

Moving deeper into our native country, how can you not recall our own domestic harp or fractional rhythms, beating on wooden spoons? Most likely, all folk instruments can be found in fairy tale books, which means that our journey may become a real detective for a while. Ask your child to find pictures and ask him about the painted tools. And of course, how can you forget about folk songs that even children know. Find simple phonograms of various folk songs in abundance can be on the web. Often, a harmonica or a button accordion is used to record these melodies, and a few more instruments that are easily recognized by their sound — that’s how a small exam can be arranged for a child. Then you can sing in chorus, and if your improvised duet takes spoons and tries to learn how to play them, success at the family concert is guaranteed.

Passing the Krasnoyarsk Territory, and arriving on a visit to the hospitable Yakuts, you should linger a little. It is impossible to leave these edges without enjoying the sounds of khomus, the national instrument of the Yakuts. Probably, mother knows him under the name "vargan", and in mountain Hutsuls he is called "drymba", but its sound is impossible to forget. After listening to the national music of the Yakuts, the child will surely remember what the "khomus" looks like and how it is played on it.

Heading towards Japan, you can drive through the endless Kazakh and Kyrgyz steppes. The story about these lands will take the child to the time of Genghis Khan, and the folk melodies that fly from the kobyz strings will reveal the unique culture of the two peoples. By the way, the child needs not only to include the selected melodies, but also to show more pictures and photos, so the kid learns the tools more quickly, thus connecting the visual image and the heard music in the mind. To get to Japan was worth not small labors, which means, to the music of koto or Japanese zither, you can tell your kid a fairy tale legend that the folklore of the Land of the Rising Sun is rich in. Atypical stories told in faces or shown in a small family puppet theater will undoubtedly enthrall the child. After Japan, you can visit India and tell about Mowgli, if the child is not familiar with this character. A wonderful musical cartoon about this restless boy will be a wonderful finale of such a big, but not yet completed journey.

Watch the video: Carlos Nakai - 1 Hour of Native Flute with Waterfall & Eagle Sounds for Summer Season #1 (March 2025).

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