Sport ballroom dancing for children: answers to popular questions from parents

Sport ballroom dancing for children: answers to popular questions from parents

In the past, ballroom dancing was a noble entertainment intended for high society, and learning this art was considered a sign of refined taste and good education. Why is the ability to dance so valued? One has only to look at grace, aristocratic posture and demeanor of professional dancers - and everything becomes clear. Today dances are no less popular, they are not only an ornament of social events, but also included in the program of international sports competitions.

Want your child to be a successful professional dancer? Sport ballroom dancing is what you need. However, before, let's analyze all the pros and cons of this activity, evaluate the training program and learn some secrets of success. As the saying goes: "forewarned means armed."

Is it worth it?

Any lesson has its pros and cons. Choosing a particular sport, it is worth carefully analyze all the positive and negative arguments.

The advantages of sports ballroom dancing for children:

  • development of the respiratory system of the child, improving immunity and general health;
  • uniform development of all muscle groups;
  • excellent physical shape and well developed dancers' muscular corset;
  • the development of a musical ear;
  • increased stress tolerance;
  • prevention of complexes in children;
  • development of will power, confidence, self-control;
  • improved posture and plasticity.

Disadvantages of sports ballroom dancing:

  • high probability of injuries, unsuccessful falls;
  • high cash costs for costumes, participation in contests, trips, etc .;
  • ballroom dancing takes a lot of physical effort and time from both children and parents;
  • there may be difficulties in the relationship in a couple (offenses and disagreements between the partners in the dance can accumulate over the years and adversely affect the child's morale and the quality of classes).

So, you made the final decision in favor of dancing. What about the baby? Do not forget about his desires and opportunities. Pay attention to how the baby reacts to music, how he moves and how artistic he is. If the child’s behavior does not change with the sounds of incendiary music, it is obvious that dancing will not suit him.

When to start?

Dancing is never too late, but in sports it is important not to miss the age to start. However, there is no need to hurry either, leading a three-year-old child to a dance. Excessive loads at an early age can harm the growing body. Classes in 3-4 years can be in the form of a relaxed game, but for serious classes it is important to have a well-developed psyche and endurance. The most suitable age to start learning sports ballroom dancing is 6-7 years.

How to prepare a child for dancing?

Awakening interest in sports is the first step towards success. It is not necessary to force a child to dance, it is important to interest the child, to show him the advantages and beauty of this activity. Look for competitive performances with your child, ask for his opinion, offer to try. Do not put too high a bar in front of your child, trying to satisfy your ambitions. Let the child go to a few workouts, determined. If after 3-4 classes of sports interest did not appear, do not insist.

What is included in the ballroom dancing program?

Before the start of classes, it is important to learn more about sports ballroom dancing in order to compare the level of future loads with the capabilities of the child. Sport ballroom dancing is divided into two programs: European and Latin American. All the dances of these programs together constitute the so-called "competitive ten" represented at all competitions. Each dance has its own unique charm, its own history and style. Find the most interesting information about this sport and tell it to the future dancer.

European Ballroom Dance Program

Dance name


Dance style

Music style


Additional Information

Slow waltz

appeared in Austria in the XVIII century.

Social, ballroom dance with smooth, pendulum movements.

Orchestral music, classical works with characteristic melody.

31 strokes per minute.

Slow waltz is the basis of the European program. This dance has the unofficial title of "King of Dances".

Viennese Waltz

Occurred from the Austrian folk dance at the end of the XVIII century.

Social, ballroom with characteristic circular rotations of partners, slides and sharp turns of the head.

Instrumental waltz music with a high tempo.

60 cycles per minute.

Viennese Waltz contains the smallest number of figures from all European dances.


Appeared in the XIX century in Spain and Argentina

Social, ballroom with progressive movements and unusual diagonal directions.

Instrumental music with a slow tempo.

30-32 cycles per minute.

Tango is one of the most complex and bright dances of the European program.


Appeared in Europe at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Social, ballroom with elongated lines and continuous movements.

Rhythmic swing music.

29-32 beats per minute.

Foxtrot - the slowest dance of the European program

Quickstep (Fast Foxtrot)

Appeared on the eve of the First World War in England.

Social, ballroom dance, requiring ease and mobility.

Orchestral music, high tempo jazz and swing.

48-52 beats per minute.

Quickstep - the most dynamic dance of the European program.

Latin American Ballroom Dancing Program

Dance name


Dance style

Music style


Additional Information

Cha cha cha

Cha-cha-cha is a type of mamba that appeared in the 40s of the twentieth century.

Social, club Latina with elements of mambo and rumba.

Latin music with an average tempo and energetic Cuban rhythms.

32 cycles per minute.

Cha-cha-cha is the "calling card" of Latin American culture.


The dance was originally a wedding, got to Europe in the early twentieth century.

Social, Latin American with "Cuban movements."

Latin music with slow, medium tempo

28 cycles per minute.

Rumba is the dance of love and the “pearl” of the Latin American program.


This is the Brazilian carnival dance introduced in 1917.

Social, Latin American with African rhythms.

Latin music with high tempo, performed by a large number of percussion instruments.

48-52 beats per minute.

All over the world, samba is considered a Latin American waltz.


Partially based in Spain on bullfighting, first introduced in France at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Social, folk, Latin American with a graceful, dramatic performance.

Music of the Spanish bullfight, marzoobraznaya with an average pace.

60 cycles per minute.

Paso doble is the fastest dance of the Latin American program, the main role is played by the partner.


This is a ritual dance of Indians, its history begins in the nineteenth century.

Social, Latin American with elements of Jaterbug and rock and roll.

Music with a constant energetic rhythm.

40-46 strokes per minute.

Jive - the most complex, vibrant and popular dance Latin American program.

How is the training?

Basically, dance training takes place in group classes. During the lesson, children learn to interact with each other in dance, they bring up a healthy spirit of rivalry and mutual assistance.

When dance couples are formed, it is worth thinking about organizing individual lessons with a coach. Here partners will be able to unleash their potential, create their own style, work out every dance movement. In such classes dancers will learn to feel and understand each other.

The most exciting form of training are sports and dance fees. Rest in combination with enhanced training in children's camps, recreation centers and resorts strengthens the team spirit, improves the well-being and physical form of the dancers.

Participation in competitions is also part of the training program. Each performance leads to the improvement of skills, increases self-esteem, fosters willpower and artistry.

How to achieve success?

Success is a subjective concept. Someone important to become a champion, someone wants to improve their physical fitness or increase self-esteem. Achieving any results on the way to a dream is already a success, therefore, to begin with, determine the main goal with your child and follow it in the right direction. The main thing is mutual desire and patience.

5 important tips for parents of dancers:

  1. Find a good coach and establish friendly relations with him.
  2. Take an active part in the development of the child's dance abilities, find out from your trainer about your role in the learning process, work out complex movements at home.
  3. Cultivate patience, willpower and healthy ambitions in a child by example. Learn to calmly respond to failures, do not expect instant results, be prepared to work.
  4. Be a friendly and positive fan of your child. Support him, create a cheerful atmosphere and be sure to celebrate any result of the competition.
  5. Get involved in dancing with your child, ask for his opinion, help to establish contact with a partner.

Regardless of your goals, remember, sport is the best educational measure that teaches how to overcome difficulties and improve opportunities. This is the most important for the development of the child, and to be a champion or not - let it be an independent and informed choice of the beginning dancer.

Watch the video: Last Dance with Jennifer Lopez and Derek Hough (March 2025).

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