How does the violin work? How many strings on it? And other interesting facts about the violin ...

Of course, everyone knows the violin. The most sophisticated and sophisticated violin among stringed instruments is a way to transfer the emotions of a skilled performer to a listener. Being gloomy, unrestrained and even rude somewhere, it remains tender and vulnerable, beautiful and sensual.

We have prepared you some fascinating facts about this magical musical instrument. You will learn how a violin works, how many strings are on it, and what works are composed by composers for violin.

How does the violin work?

Its structure is simple: the body, neck and strings. Accessories for the tool are very different in their purpose and degree of importance. For example, one cannot overlook the bow, due to which sound is extracted from the strings, or the chin rest and bridge, allowing the performer to most comfortably arrange the instrument on the left shoulder.

And there are also accessories like a typewriter, which allows the violinist to correct the changed for any reason system without losing time, unlike the use of holders of pendants, which are much more difficult to work with.

There are only four strings themselves, always tuned to the same notes - Mi, La, D and Sol. What are the violin strings made of? From different materials - they can be vein, and silk and metal.

The first string on the right is tuned to the "Mi" of the second octave and is the most subtle of all the strings presented. The second string along with the third one “personify” the notes “A” and “D”, respectively. They have an average, almost the same thickness. Both notes are in the first octave. The last, thickest and bass is the fourth string, tuned to the note "Sol" of a small octave.

Each string has its own timbre - from shrill ("Mi") to thick ("Salt"). This allows the violinist to transfer emotions so skillfully. The sound also depends on the bow - the cane itself and the hair stretched over it.

What are the violins?

The answer to this question can be confusing and varied, but we will answer quite simply: there are the most familiar wooden violins for us - the so-called acoustic, and there are electric violins. The latter are powered by electricity, and their sound is heard thanks to the so-called "column" with an amplifier - a combo. There is no doubt that these tools are arranged differently, although they may look the same in appearance. The technique of playing acoustic and electronic violin is not significantly different, but you have to get used to the analog electronic instrument in your own way.

What works are written for violin?

The works are a separate subject for reflection, because the violin perfectly manifests itself both as a soloist and in an ensemble game. Therefore, solo concerts, sonatas, partitas, caprices and plays of other genres are written for the violin, as well as parties for all kinds of duets, quartets and other ensembles.

The violin can participate in almost all areas of music. Most often at the moment it is included in the classics, folklore and rock. You can hear the violin even in children's cartoons and their Japanese adaptations - anime. All this only contributes to the increasing popularity of the instrument and only confirms that the violin will never disappear.

Famous violin makers

Also do not forget about the masters of violins. Perhaps the most famous can be called Antonio Stradivari. All his tools are very expensive, they were valued in the past. Stradivarius violins are the most famous. During his lifetime, he produced more than 1000 violins, but at the moment from 150 to 600 instruments are preserved - information in various sources sometimes amazes with its diversity.

Other names associated with the skill of making violins include the Amati family. Different generations of this large Italian family improved stringed musical instruments, including improving the structure of the violin, seeking a strong and expressive sound from it.

Famous violinists: who are they?

The violin was once a folk instrument, but over time, the technique of playing it became complex and individual craftsmen-virtuosos began to stand out from the folk environment, who delighted the public with their art. Since the time of the musical Renaissance Italy is famous for its violinists. It is enough to name only some names - Vivaldi, Corelli, Tartini. From Italy came from Niccolò Paganini, whose name is shrouded in legends and secrets.

Among the violinists who came from Russia are such great names as J. Kheifets, D. Oistrakh, L. Kogan. The modern listener knows the names and current stars in this area of ​​performing art - for example, V. Spivakov and Vanessa-May.

It is believed that in order to start learning games on this instrument, you must have at least a good ear for music, strong nerves and patience that will help you to overcome five to seven years of study. Of course, such a thing can not do without failures and failures, however, as a rule, even they are only beneficial. Time to study will be hard, but the result is worth the agony.

The material on the violin, can not be left without music. Listen to the famous music of Saint-Saens. You probably heard it before, but do you know what kind of production it is?

Watch the video: 10 Reasons Why Violin is the Hardest Instrument (March 2025).

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