Timpani: interesting facts, video, story, listen, photo

Musical Instrument: Timpani

Here the conductor waved his wand and heard the menacing thunder of thunder. It sounds one of the most ancient percussion musical instruments - timpani. Do not be confused with the drums, because they have little in common. Timpani have a more complex structure and represent the body of metal in the form of a boiler, with a stretched plastic or leather, in the bottom there is a resonator hole. And usually it is a system of two or more boilers.

Another important difference between the timpani and the drums is that they have a high pitch, that is, you can play notes on them. Previously, the pitch was changed using a screw mechanism, and modern instruments are equipped with pedals, which greatly simplifies the setup process. You can even perform a glissando on such timpani.

The history of timpani and many interesting facts about this musical instrument, read on our page.


The timbre of the instrument is unusually wide - from a formidable sound to a barely audible rustle. At the same time, it is possible to influence it with the help of sticks; it is enough to use tips of different size and material: leather, wood, felt.

A photo:

Interesting Facts:

  • Not only flutes are piccolo, but also timpani. Unlike conventional instruments with a diameter of about 74 cm, piccolo drums are less than 30 cm. And the performer can play them in the treble clef, not in the bass.
  • Earlier in Europe, the timpanists and drummers had a certain authority, they always performed at the beginning of the troops, so they had to be distinguished by courage and courage. For enemies, the main trophies were the banner and the timpani, so the musician went to great lengths so as not to get caught with his instrument.
  • The most ancient timpani can be attributed, and a huge bronze drum "Luna Pedzhengawhich is about 2300 years old, and its height and diameter is 186 cm and 160 cm. respectively.
  • Drummers set up timpani without sticks, grabbing a light tap with a finger to hear the pitch.
  • Tools are usually made of copper, but there are also aluminum and carbon fiber models.
  • In the orchestral works 2-4 cauldrons are used, but there are exceptions. For example, when performing a work by H.K. Gruber "Charivari" was involved 16 timpani.
  • In the orchestras, there are two ways of arranging the dimples, German, when the largest cauldron is on the right, and the American, with the opposite setting.
  • One boiler with a pedal can weigh up to 60 kg.

Popular works:

Elliot Carter - 8 Pieces for 4 Timpani "Canary Islands"

Francis Poulenc - Concerto for Organ, Timpani and Strings

Georg Drushecki - Concerto for six timpani


The first documented use of timpani was in the armies of the ancient Greeks and on religious rituals of the Jews. It is also known that in ancient Mesopotamia used drums in the form of boilers.

In 1188, the Cambrian-Norman chronicler Gerald of Wales wrote "Ireland enjoys and admires only two musical instruments, namely, the harp and the timpani."

The Arabian nagaras, the direct ancestors of modern timpani, were brought to continental Europe by crusaders and Saracens in the 13th century. These drums were small, with a diameter of about 20-22 cm, hung from the player's belt, and were used primarily for military ceremonies.

In Europe of the Middle Ages, timpani and trumpets became an integral part of the cavalry, and subsequently these musical instruments developed together and at the same time became part of a classical orchestra from the 17th century.

Watch the video: How to truly listen. Evelyn Glennie (March 2025).

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