Musical "Chicago" - Favorites

Musical "Chicago"

What are the three words for the Chicago musical? The most suitable will be shock, chic and glitter. Do you agree? A brilliant production, beautiful, bright music and a plot that is amazing and fascinating at the same time.

The musical is based on real events, it is shocking and at the same time gives it a special urgency and piquancy. The public has always loved such unusual stories taken from life. Recorded and later published on the play of the journalist Maureen Dallas Watkins. This work was the basis of the performance. It is interesting that one of the teachers called the play of the journalist "vile and immoral," but she accurately described the mores of the time.



Roxy hartcorps de ballet dancer, killer lover
Velma kellydancer, killer husband and sister
Billy flynnLawyer Velma and Roxy
Amos Harthusband roxy
Matron "Mama" Mortonwarder in cook county jail
Mary sunshinenewspaper reporter


The story shows the story of two corps de ballet dancers who committed the murder and are awaiting trial. But what do we see? Such meetings in Chicago of the 20s are real shows of the program, where there are impresarios, stages, a system of stars. Women committed a crime, should be punished, and they are preparing a real show program, work out the role to speak at the meeting. And they even compete with each other for the right to be a "star". As a result, one of the main characters safely justified in court thanks to a lie and a round sum given to a sly lawyer who arranged it all.

Duration of performance
I ActAct II
75 min.75 min.

A photo:

Interesting Facts

  • "Chicago" is based on real events and murders in the "city of winds" that occurred in 1924
  • The productions of this musical are performed in 24 countries in 12 languages. More than 15,000 performances around the world were played and more than 17 million viewers watched it. And only on Broadway the musical raised $ 300 million from a renewal in 1996.
  • At the end of the Broadway production, Roxy and Velma throw 8 roses to the public, as of 2012, more than 53,000 pieces were thrown.

Popular numbers

When You're Good To Mama (listen)

Cell Block Tango (listen)

All that Jazz (listen)

Razzle Dazzle (listen)

For the first time the musical was performed in 1975, Lisa Minelli even played in it for a while. However, despite the success, the performance was relegated to the background by new productions. The second life of the musical was presented by director Walter Bobby and choreographer Ann Ryking in 1996. He was again appreciated by the public and received six Tony and Grammy awards. Even today, this performance is one of the most popular. We offer you to evaluate Chicago gangster in the rhythm of jazz.

You ask, what about jazz? This music is an undoubted attribute of the performance, literally from the first minutes the composition "All This Jazz" is played by one of the heroines. Moreover, the second girl committed the murder of her lover, putting a record with this song and confessed to her husband to her own sounds. How do you like this turn of events? In real life events, this was Hula Lou’s most popular foxtrot.

Watch the video: Crosswalk the Musical in Paris - Les Misérables - #LateLateLondon (March 2025).

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