Mylene Farmer: biography, best songs, interesting facts, video

Milen farmer

Life is a series of events. We provoke the appearance of some ourselves, others completely lie in the grip of fate. It is random events and meetings that change the usual way of life so that it is breathtaking. It happened with Mylene Farmer. A young girl, who does not even think about the career of a pop actress, suddenly meets with a gaze with an unknown director Laurent Boutonn and enters the world of music. What is the result of this randomness? Deafening success, gold, platinum and diamond singles, millions of fans in French-speaking and other countries, as well as amazingly beautiful concerts, which are recognized as the best among the performers of pop music.

This is how a real star, bright and extraordinary, fearless and wayward, was born from a girl who hated her own appearance. Interest in Mylene Farmer has not been extinguished so far. Loyal fans are waiting for new songs, and new ones are looking for the answer to the question: what kind of Milen Farmer is she?

A brief biography of Mylene Farmer and many interesting facts about the singer on our page.

short biography

The future star was born in the small town of Pieron, which is located in Canada. Max and Margaret Gauthier, French by birth, took Milen into their hands for the first time on September 12, 1961. The girl became the third child. Bridget's older sister was 2 years old at the time, and her brother Jean-Loup was only a year old. Later in the family had another child.

In Canada, Milen Jeanne Gauthier, and this is the way the real name of the star sounds, will live for 8 years. These years will not leave any significant memories in the life of a woman. Maple syrup, huge drifts, the first school under the guidance of nuns - that's literally all that remained in the memory of the earliest years of the young Canadian of French origin.

In the early 70s, Max, a construction engineer, came to the end of a contract in Canada. The family moves to France. For little Milen, the move was a shock. Closed in spirit, Canada is more consistent with her character and temperament. There she could fully enjoy her solitude. There she felt protected. France, on the contrary, demanded emotion and openness. To the change of residence was added the approach of adolescence. As a result, there are inexhaustible conflicts of fathers and children and the departure of the young person into her own world, woven from strands of loneliness, feelings of injustice and sadness.

At 18, the independent Milen leaves the family. The girl even refuses the financial support of her parents, so firm and wayward was her character. Her path lies in Paris, where she enters the drama school. All her thoughts are absorbed by the career of an actress. In order to feed himself and pay for his studies, Milen earns his job either as a gynecologist assistant or as a shoe salesman. One of her jobs was a model agency, where in 1983 the fateful meeting with Laurent Boutonn and Jerome Daan took place. Two young men were just looking for the singer of the song "Maman a tort". In search, they went to the agency, where Milen earned money. Her gaze, filled with tragedy and pain, struck Jerome and Laurent so much that they unconditionally asked her to sing a song. And without hesitation she said yes.

The single was released in 1984 and became the best-selling in that year. It is followed by the shooting of the clip, which is not broadcast. The same future awaits many provocative and tough videos of Mylene Farmer. But this is how she saw the life she sang about.

It seems that the first step towards a dizzying career has been made. But fate suggests not to force things. A new 1985 album with the song "On est tous des imbeciles", written by Jerome Daan, failed. After this cooperation Milen and Jerome ceases. The girl is contracted to record label Polydor. It's time to conquer the public.

The next successful single appeared in 1986. The song was called "Libertine". To support sales of the composition, which came close to a value of 370,000 copies, Farmer, together with Bouton, released a video clip in the spirit of the 18th century, a mixture of sexuality and permissiveness. France is going crazy! Even schoolchildren sing a song. As critics of the time said: she gave the public what she lacked.

The first studio album does not keep you waiting long. In April 1986, "Cendres de lune" appeared in the store with nine tracks. The album is remarkable in that the words for the two compositions were written by Milen herself. Subsequently, the work on the creation of lyrics she takes over, and the music is engaged Laurent.

1987 - Tristana and Sans contrefacon. 1988 - "Ainsi soit je" and "Pourvu qu" elles soient douces ". The list of singles that had tremendous success with the public can be continued endlessly. Literally having appeared on the market, they instantly found themselves on the high lines of the charts. They complemented them, of course same, themed clips.

1988 is notable for the first musical victory of the French singer. She gets a prize as the best performer of the year. But Milen herself was not very happy about such a gift of fate: she didn’t like being awarded by people whose hate for each other she had to see during the rehearsal for this evening. Of course, this will not be the only victory in the musical career of a bold performer - after all, everything is just beginning.

The release of the new single, anticipating the album, the recording of the enchanting video, a deafening tour and the release of the film on it - this series of events occurred in the life of Mylene Farmer after a chance meeting at a modeling agency. The industrious Frenchwoman did not leave a place for rest: she added new arrangements, thought out the performance of each concert. There were periods when she disappeared from the view of fans. But again there was no talk of rest. Milen was looking for new ideas for albums, starred in movies and read a lot for her own development.

Little is known about her personal life. For all the provocative questions about men, she left the trowels, leaving journalists and fans to live by conjectures. The last thing to do was to ascribe to her the novels with Laurent Bouton, then with Sil, then with Jeff Dahlgren, with whom she starred in the film "Dzhorzhino". It was only in the early 2000s that Milen opened the veil of mystery: it turned out that she had long been in love with Benoit Di Sabatino, a close friend and director.

Now Mylene Farmer is also devoted to music. Given the constant mystery and secrecy around the releases of albums and singles, one should not be surprised at the news about the appearance of a new disc in the near future.

Interesting Facts

  • At the age of 10 she won a music contest, but despite this, she did not feel a keen desire to become a singer.
  • Unusual appearance of the girl led to incidents where she was mistaken for ... a boy. This happened up to her 14th birthday.
  • At the age of 10, instead of talking incessantly with peers or playing ball, Milen prefers to visit Gachet hospital, whose patients were children with disabilities.
  • Future star 5 years involved in equestrian sports and dreamed of becoming an instructor in the future.
  • Milen did not graduate from high school in France. She was expelled after two days in the senior class.
  • Alias ​​Farmer is borrowed from beloved American actress Francis Farmer with a tragic fate. Her career was ruined by alcohol. Instead of a theater stage and films, a psychiatric hospital was waiting for her.
  • The plot for the clip "Tristana" became "The Tale of the Dead Princess and Seven Heroes" by A.S. Pushkin. The series cost Mylene nearly 900,000 francs. But here, too, there is still no scope, which is characteristic of the clips of the French pop singer. On the shooting of "Pourvu qu" elles soient douces "took about 4 million francs, and the duration of the video was 17 minutes 30 seconds. Each clip of Mylene Farmer is a separate story, filmed according to all the rules of the genre. No pointless recruitment. This is another feature of her creativity.
  • The composition of the duality of the sexes "Sans contrefacon" / "Without a fake" causes a lively response among people of gay and sexual orientation and becomes their anthem.
  • In 2003, the book Milen Farmer "Lisa-Loup et le conteur" or "Lisa-Lou and the storyteller" appears on the book shelves. According to the performer, the work is intended for very brave readers. It is noteworthy that 30 drawings presented in the book are drawn by Milen herself. Pictures of the singer adorn the cover of the single "Dessine-moi un mouton", released in 2000.

  • They write autobiographical books about Milen herself. Various publications were released by the following authors: Karolina Bee, Matias Gudo, Patrick Milo, the version of which, by the way, was perceived by the performer as a fake — she did not give him any interviews. A book written by the singer’s double was also released.
  • A group of fans Milen was released magazine about his beloved singer.
  • In 1991, Milen had to endure a shock caused by her fan’s inappropriate behavior. He broke into the office and began to demand the address of the performer from the secretary. She refused. A distraught fan shot her. Despite what happened, Milen refused protection.
  • In the choice of food French pop singer unpretentious. She doesn't like to eat at all. Food is perceived by her as a source of energy, and not as pleasure. Although she does not deny herself sweet.
  • Among the pets, Mylene Farmer is the female Gibtie Betty.

  • Behind the singer's fiery-red hair color is a dark blond shade.
  • Dislike of her own appearance led to the fact that Milen refused to watch her video clips - why should she once again be convinced of her own thoughts.
  • In 2000, the French public was delighted with the composition of the young singer Alize "Moi ... Lolita". The song was written by none other than Mylene Farmer and Laurent Button. The success of the composition was so huge that for Alize a whole album was written.
  • Concerts, which took place on September 11 and 12, 2009 in France, are remarkable due to two moments. The first is related to the fact that they are recognized as the most impressive among French artists. The second - with the fact that on September 12, a crowd of thousands of fans sang the song "Happy Birthday to You" for the singer. Hurt Milen was moved to tears.
  • Milen hates to give interviews, because the least likes to talk about yourself. About all that worries her, she tells through songs. Why do we need extra conversations? Despite such persistent rejection of journalists, during the interview the performer remains true to herself: she speaks directly about her thoughts and plans, avoids answers to questions about her personal life. The singer does not forget about the veil of mystery, which everyone is trying to lift.
  • The pop diva collaborated with Sting, Mobi and Silom.

Best Songs of Mylene Farmer

"Libertine" or "Minx". It is from this composition that we propose to begin acquaintance with the work of the singer. The hit of 1986 melted the hearts of the fans, and the video that was shot on it is still being played on the French channels.

"Libertine" (listen)

Song "Rêver" or "Dream" was not distinguished by high sales. The public interest is the content. Through her, Milen calls for tolerance and the prevention of World War II genocide.

"Rêver" (listen)

Composition "XXL" the singer declared herself on the American Olympus. It was a new style, a new sound with rock elements. The fans were confused - they did not expect such changes with their beloved performer.

"XXL" (listen)

"California" - Another successful song for the American public. The original text tells about the love of Los Angeles, a beautiful and rich city in the world.

"California" (listen)

Scandalous and provocative song "Fuck Them All" evoked mixed opinions from fans and critics. But this did not prevent her from remaining among the most famous compositions of Mylene Farmer.

"Fuck Them All" (listen)

The best films about Mylene Farmer and her participation

The filmography of the French performer can be divided into two parts:

  • autobiographical films, which are recordings of tours and major concerts. After all, every actress on the stage is equivalent to a grand show;
  • films in which the singer is involved as an actress. This also includes numerous clips of the performer, since they are separate short video sequences with a tie, climaxes and a denouement.

And now we offer to immerse yourself in the movie world fearless Milen deeper.

The sweet aftertaste of concerts of red French women do not want to interrupt. So say her many fans. Do not need! The following films will help to continue the enchanting show:

  • "Mylène Farmer: Live à Bercy"(1997) shows the full power of performances by a French pop artist. A stadium full of dice, a magnificent sound and an inimitable Milen, around which the whole world froze. It is simply impossible to break away from the show!
  • "Mylène Farmer: Mylenium Tour"(2000) is dedicated to the tour of the same name, the last concerts of which took place in Russia. A film can be characterized in two words: intimate and sensual.
  • "Mylene Farmer: Timeless 2013"(2014) was created in support of the album of the same name, the sixth in a row. The concert is impressive with dancing robots, a huge screen on which the image of the musician Mobi was designed, and lighting effects. However, Mylene, as always, is at a height.

In 1993, the singer went into the shadows. The lack of new singles was due to the participation in the shooting of Laurent Bouton's film "Dzhorzhino". The film was released in 1994 and failed in a closed show. In it, Milen played the red-haired Catherine, whom the local residents of a small village blamed for the death of all the children.

In 2006, the pop diva works with Luc Besson. She voiced the princess Village in the cartoon "Arthur and Miniputes." It is noteworthy that in the same year she received the award for the best dubbing. Voiced by Milen and two subsequent films about the mini-tracks: "Arthur and the Revenge of Urdalaka" (2009) and "Arthur and the War of Two Worlds" (2010).

For 2017, the premiere of the horror film "The Case in a Ghost Country" is scheduled, in which Milen takes part.

Music Mylene Farmer in the movies

Creativity of the famous Frenchwoman was involved in the soundtracks for movies and TV shows:



"Rugrats in Paris" / "Karapuzy in Paris" (2000)

"L'Histoire d'une fée, c'est ..."

"Dancing under the stars", the series (2002)

"Moi ... Lolita"

"Nouvelle Star", TV series (2003)


"Good Year" (2006)

"Moi ... Lolita"

"Revenge of the Poor" (2007)

"Devant soi"

How did the music of Mylene Farmer

A girl with fiery red hair, an expressive and at the same time sad look - this is how a popular French performer appeared before the public for the first time. Her compositions were imbued with melancholy, sadness and longing. The singer herself always said that she invested her experience in the songs. Therefore, her work is captivating sincerity and honesty.

Each concert Milen is a theatrical show. Perhaps, so the singer realizes the old dream of becoming a professional actress? Her early performances are characterized by a gothic atmosphere. The decorations were skeletons, skulls, dark colors. This way the mysterious and mystical image was maintained.

In 1995, after a long stay in California, Milen presents a new album "Anamorphosee" in a different sound. The live guitar gave the songs a rock character, which critics took for parting with the usual melancholic singing. Changing and concert decorations. Black color is inferior to white, the objects of the afterlife disappear, more light and freedom appear. Milen begins to actively use modern technologies and special effects when staging concerts. The appearance of the pop artist becomes soft and feminine.

Not spared Mylene and electronic music. In 2008, the disc "Point de Suture" appears, which included 11 tracks. Electronic sound gave creativity a different perception. Despite this, Milen's unique mood has not disappeared anywhere.

The use of electronic music continues in the album "Bleu Noir" (2010), on which she worked with musicians Moby, RedOne and the English group Archive. The CD included calm and thoughtful compositions, light dance tunes and a couple of songs resembling the former Milen.

The secret of high popularity

Talent, vocal, artistry - such reasons for the staggering success of Mylene Farmer come to mind when trying to understand why she excited the audience. But this is only part of the answer. Just a couple of minutes to watch the recording of her live performance to see this. This is a mystery woman. And everything mysterious, as is known, attracts, attracts like a magnet. Even despite her vulnerability and sensitivity, the artist skillfully hides emotions. They are given only by the glitter of the eyes, which speaks of the happiness of singing for an innumerable crowd of fans.

Milen Farmer is a combination of workaholism and perfectionism. Explosive mixture that does not relax. As a result - the emergence of new hits and thoughtful scenic images. Colleagues also talk about her diligence and total dedication. It turns out that one talent is not enough.

Pure, sincere, melodic, gentle, sensual, hypnotizing and crystal - you can choose dozens of words to describe the voice of Mylene Farmer, but they will not be enough. Yes, and why do you need to decompose into the "components" of the vocal data of a famous Frenchwoman? Guess it still does not work. Do not need. Otherwise it will not be Mylene Farmer, mysterious and bright.

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