How to learn to sing beautifully: basic vocal rules

Many people dream of learning how to sing beautifully. But is it suitable for everyone, or is it a science for the elect? For most singers, the melody of a voice sounds easy and fluent, but here everything is far from simple.

When singing are important speech position, the correct position of the body, a sense of rhythm, emotional state. In addition, your breathing, diction, articulation will affect the purity of the intonation of sounds. For the development of each of the skills required appropriate exercises.

Let's start with breathing and correct body position while singing. In the question “how to learn to sing beautifully”, it is the aspect of body position that is of primary importance. Lowered shoulders without raising when picking up, legs shoulder-width apart, straight back, and heel support are all very, very important.

Breathing should be abdominal or mixed, that is, you need to breathe the stomach. And only to them, without raised shoulders, and without a set of air in the chest. The practice formed the basic rules for creating the right singing breath:

  • breath fast, light and invisible (without lifting the shoulders);
  • after breathing it is necessary to hold the breath for a short time;
  • the exhalation is smooth and gradual, as if you are blowing on a lighted candle.

Exercise for the development of diaphragmatic breathing: put your hands on the ribs and breathe so that the ribs and abdominal cavity expand without moving your shoulders. More exercises:

If you do not know how to learn to sing beautifully, start with a proper breathing exercise. Next - diction and articulation apparatus. Do the following exercises for their development:

  1. Learn to pronounce tongue twisters clearly.
  2. "Brah-brae-bri-bro-brou" on one note at a fast pace, well pronounce the letter "r".
  3. Moan with your mouth closed. The benefits will be only when during exercise the correct resonator sensations appear, you should feel the vibration of the nasal tissues well. With your mouth closed, it is very important to sing at the beginning.
  4. “Na-na-no-nu”, “da de di-do-do”, “mi-me-ma-mo-mu” - we sing on one note.
  5. In the mouth should be a kind of "dome", an apple, everything should be relaxed and free in the mouth.
  6. It is useful to take various grimaces, parody animals, transmit emotions, it relaxes the jaw well and removes all tightness.

Your emotional state can also control ligaments. Your future success is how much you can get rid of the clutter of your voice, from the wrong flow of sound. Try to keep the sound from the diaphragm free and easy, do not lift or lower the chin.

Setting a soft palate to the “yawn” position will create conditions for the formation of vowels, it affects their rounding, timbre, high position and color. If you sing high notes, you need a greater uplift of the soft palate, creating a high "dome". Then the picking will be simple.

Looking for online information on the query "how to learn to sing beautifully"? It is important to grind various forms of singing. Singing on stakato - sharp, clear, sharp sound. Stacatto well activates the work of the ligaments, it is very useful for the sluggish tone of the vocal muscles, with the graduate call-up. When singing on stakato to lean on the diaphragm.

Singing on the legato produces kantelennoe, melodious, smooth sound. To practice smooth singing you need to sing any phrases smoothly, melodiously, in the same breath.

To learn to sing beautifully, a lot is important: the desire to develop, dedication, patience, putting soul and emotions into your own songs. Hearing can be gradually developed, the imperfections of the sound correct. Be interested in famous singers and singers.

The author - Marie Leto

Watch the video: Sharm's Singing Tips: For Beginners - #1 The BASICS (March 2025).

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