Where to play the piano?

One of the vivid memories of my childhood is entering a music school. Rather, I don’t remember the moment of admission; after my face, the examiners erased the prescription of the teacher;

The years have passed, and then one day I felt so painful that I wanted to play my favorite melody. Where to play the piano? Once having arisen, this question did not leave me, so it was necessary to look for ways to solve it.

You can play the piano in the music school!

Where do they play the piano? That's right, in a music school or college. However, the trip to these educational institutions for me was not crowned with success, since legal access to the tools was closed. I did not want to play, thinking that someone would come and interrupt my communication with the beautiful.

You can play the piano in your school!

Yes, by the way, for those who have not yet graduated from secondary school or are going to meet classmates, such an idea: you can play the piano there too! After all, the instrument you will certainly meet in some god-forgotten old music class, in the assembly hall, and even in the corridor or under the stairs.

You can rent a tool

If buying a tool is also unacceptable for you, and there is no time or desire to take private lessons, try searching for a rental in your city. In modern realities, there are not many of them left, but with a goal, you can find a suitable tool.

You can play the piano online on the Internet

If you are a fan of technical progress, and when playing the main thing for you to extract at least some sounds, then you can try to play the piano online. For myself, I immediately excluded this option, because I wanted to feel the magic of this instrument. And to hear the sound, not distorted by electronics.

For the same reason, the synthesizer did not suit me, although some modern models of electronic pianos can very successfully imitate the good old piano.

Let's go play the piano in the cafe!

Not so long ago, we and my friends decided to visit a new cafe. And what was my surprise when on a small dais I saw a piano on which visitors were allowed to play music. I would never have thought that the question: "Where to play the piano?" - the answer will be: in a cafe.

This option, of course, does not suit everyone, because it takes courage to take at least a few chords in public. But if you are not confused by public performances, and in the repertoire there is something more than banal scales or "Dog Waltz" played with one finger, then you can give yourself and others some magic moments. The main thing is to find a cafe or other institution where any visitor is allowed to play the piano. It may be a community center, or even a library.

Let's go play the piano in the anti-cafe!

And do not think that finding such a place is like living a life. Just now, like mushrooms after rain, all kinds of anti-cafés open up - these are places where the visitor is free to do what he likes, paying only for his stay (at the rate of 1 ruble per minute).

So, in such antikafe you can not only just play the piano, but even organize your own musical or literary-musical evening. You can remember all your classmates from the music school and arrange an unforgettable meeting. As a rule, the administration of such establishments with great desire helps the organizer and strongly supports enthusiasm.

You can play the piano at a party.

After weighing all the pros and cons, I gradually tended to the decision to rent a piano. True, I still had to figure out how to squeeze it into a rented small apartment, and at the same time leave room for movement on it. All thinking, I was returning home, when suddenly ...

That was the case or the providence heard me, but new neighbors drove into my doorway. And the first thing that was unloaded from the car turned out to be a piano of a dark coffee shade, just like the instrument that collects dust from my parents.

Now I knew exactly where to play the piano. And this option really turned out to be the most optimal. I not only remembered my childhood dream, but also found new friends. Look around, maybe the realization of your cherished dream is also somewhere nearby?

And finally, another secret way to get the desired communication with the tool. Many people just go to play the piano, the guitar or the drum kit ...

to the music store!

Good luck to you!

Watch the video: How to play piano: The basics, Piano Lesson #1 (March 2025).

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