Tchaikovsky Crossword

Here, I have prepared a new crossword puzzle, this time a crossword puzzle on the subject of Tchaikovsky. See how you? In my opinion, I didn’t really succeed - it would go, if only I could get rid of the school and it was better to do it.

In general, the questions are very good (and, by the way, not simple), but not enough of them: either the inspiration to rest at the resort has gone, or, conversely, the miniaturist’s genius is waking up in me. Well, nothing, if not enough - supplement yourself.

So, today we have a Tchaikovsky crossword. Peter Ilyich - this is our everything! Tchaikovsky lived 53 years (1840-1893) - he studied law, and became a great composer of the universe. He is the author of 10 amazing operas, 3 world-famous ballets, 7 brilliant symphonies. And what musician did not play plays from the “Children's Album” at the very beginning of his career? In general, he was a good uncle!

Now, let's go directly to the crossword puzzle. There are 15 questions in it. Try to solve the answers at the end. Successes!

Questions horizontal:

  1. What is the play in the cycle "The Seasons" (month November)?
  2. What is the name of the orchestral suite of Tchaikovsky, dedicated to Mozart?
  3. The character of the opera "The Queen of Spades", from which we hear the famous phrase: "What is our life? Game!".
  4. For which tool is the "Seasons" cycle written?
  5. What is the title of Tchaikovsky's Sixth Symphony?
  6. The name of the last opera of the composer.
  7. In which city was Tchaikovsky born?
  8. What kind of guest, in the opinion of Pyotr Ilyich, does not like to visit the lazy?
  9. In which part of the Fourth Symphony do we hear the Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field"?

Vertical Questions:

  1. The name of the fast and perky Russian dance in the ballet "The Nutcracker".
  2. What is the name of that Frenchman from "Eugene Onegin" who sings verses to her on Tatiana's birthday?
  3. What kind of male voice performs the part of Lensky in Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin"?
  4. Composer and friend of Tchaikovsky, to whom he dedicated the piano trio "In memory of a great artist."
  5. Which ballet has these dances: "Waltz of the Flowers", "Dance of the Fairy Drazhe", dances of chocolate (Spanish), tea (Chinese) and coffee (Arabic)?
  6. What is the program symphony of Tchaikovsky called (without a number - with the letter "m")?

Answers to the crossword puzzle "The life and work of Tchaikovsky"

Horizontally: 1. Troika 2. Mozartiana 3. Hermann 4. Piano 5. Pathetic 6. Iolanthe 7. Votkinsk 8. Inspiration 9. Finale.

Vertically: 1. Trepak 2. Triquet 3. Tenor 4. Rubinstein 5. The Nutcracker 6. Manfred.

Well, now the crossword on Tchaikovsky will replenish the series "homework for music". You, by the way, can also be useful crossword on the work of Glinka.

I remind you that you can send your own crossword puzzle in music, and we will post it on the site. Instructions for making musical crosswords read here.

Do not forget to please your friends with crosswords, throwing them to your pages on contact and facebook. No, well, not for nothing that the buttons under the article stand, you are waiting ?!

Watch the video: Tchaikovsky Music Crossword (March 2025).

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