Develop musical ear for a child.

Develop musical ear for a child.

Very often, parents are worried about whether their child has a musical ear and whether it can be developed. Of course, everyone has a rumor to one degree or another, because this is just a skill and the most important thing is to develop it in time and correctly. There is nothing difficult in this, because most of the exercises are held in the form of interesting games that will appeal both to the child and his parents.

Features of the development of musical ear.

Like any other human ability, ear for music can be developed and trained. This is nothing but memorizing certain structures, components of musical tissue, their comprehension and reproduction. With the development of auditory memory, as well as certain knowledge, this will not be difficult. There are no age restrictions, no musical skills development, classes can be started at any age, even if a person claims that he "has come to the ear." However, the easiest way to do this is in childhood.

At what age can begin the development of hearing.

There is one law here - the sooner the better. The first thing a baby remembers is mother's image and voice. Therefore, sing lullabies, often talk to the child, he will follow the intonation. A little later, you can turn on him to listen to small fragments of classical music, the sounds of nature. At the same time it is important to interact with the baby, tell what sounds, what kind of music. Highlight some points in the composition to attract the attention of the crumbs and explain them, for example, the sound of a bell, raindrops, birds singing. Playing with rattles, also comment on the sounds, as this or that object sounds (loudly, silently). Closer to the year, the baby begins to take the first steps, you can begin to develop a sense of rhythm. Turn on the music and clap your hands to it. Regularly performing such a simple exercise, you will notice that the kid can easily repeat it himself. You can ask to slap or stamp your foot only at a certain moment, for example, on some word or a bright fragment. Such activities will perfectly develop the rhythm, as well as hearing, memory and coordination.

Closer to two years, you can begin to study the low and high sounds. For this, program works by various composers are perfect, listen to a fragment from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan” by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov or “The Carnival of the Animals” by C. Saint-Saens together with the baby, discuss what you heard. It will also be useful to acquaint the child with the sounds that various animals emit, learn with him how a cow, cat, mouse, mosquito “speaks”, which of them has a high voice, who has a low voice. Already at this age, it is still possible to learn in a playful way to extract sounds on musical instruments - xylophone, harmonica, flute, synthesizer. It is also useful to use a drum, maracas and tambourine.

Especially important in the development of musical skills to pay attention to poems. Pay special attention to this stage. The poems by A. Barto, K. Chukovsky and S. Mikhalkov fit the music well, so read them to your baby during the day, it will be very useful to pronounce them in a singing tone.

Starting from four years, you can play different games, for example, to guess the sounding object. To do this, cook a variety of kitchen utensils, it can be a glass, glass, pan, ladle, or even a grater. Pencil knock on it and ask the child to find this item.

Suggest your child using musical instruments that you have in your arsenal to depict the sounds of nature and the voices of animals. For older children, suggest drawing what they heard in the fragment I heard, which is a great way to develop memory, hearing, and figurative thinking. Pre-discuss with him what you heard, what sounds, what tools were.

Do not forget to learn simple children's songs, fragments of melody, sing along with the baby, it is also very useful for the development of musical hearing.

Already at this age, you can attend concerts of a symphony orchestra, children's performances, some ensembles and creative groups organize special children's programs with elements of conversation and games.

In all these occupations, it is important not only that the child correctly and accurately carry out all the points, but above all his interaction with the parents. Engage, sing, read poems and tales as often as possible with the baby and then he will also be actively involved in musical activities with you.

Watch the video: Perfect Pitch: The World's Greatest Ear Part 5 - Music Notation! (March 2025).

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