How to make a tune?

How to make a tune? There are many different ways - from purely intuitive to quite conscious. For example, sometimes a melody is born in the process of improvisation, and sometimes the creation of a melody turns into an intellectual process.

Try to encrypt the date of birth, the name of the girlfriend or mobile number in the melody. Think it's impossible? You are mistaken - all this is real, only the problem is to make such a melody beautiful.

The authors of songs and songs, and not only beginners, often hear from music producers, publishers and other professionals in this field that the melody does not attract anything special, the song lacks catchy memorable motifs. Yes, and you do not need to be an expert to understand whether this or that melody touches you or not. The fact is that there are certain techniques of how to come up with a melody. Find, recognize and use these techniques, then you will be able to create a melody not simple, but “with character” to amaze listeners from the first time.

How to create a melody without an instrument?

In order to come up with a melody, the presence of a musical instrument at hand is not at all necessary. You can simply hum something, relying on imagination and inspiration, and then, having reached your favorite instrument, pick up what happened.

The ability to invent melodies in this way is very useful, because an interesting idea can visit you suddenly and in any place. If the instrument is at hand, and none of the people around are not against your creative searches, then it is better, nevertheless, to try playing different versions of the future melody. Sometimes it can be like washing the sand in search of gold: before you come up with a melody that suits you, you will have to weed out a lot of useless options.

There is one piece of advice here! Do not overdo it - write down just good options, without losing the same thing 1000 times in the hope of improving something. The purpose of this work is to come up with as many “normal” as possible, not “golden”, long melodies. You can fix it and then! Another adviser, more important - still do not rely on inspiration, but get to the point rationally. Decide on the tempo of the melody, its rhythm, and then select the notes in the desired range (narrower if smoothness is important and wider if volume is important).

The simpler you come up with tunes, the more open you are to people

The simple truth is that novice authors often overly complicate the process of writing a melody, trying to cram a nevpihuemoe into one unfortunate melody. Do not make her fat! Let there be one thing in your melody, but very bright. Just leave the rest for later.

If you get a melody that is hard to sing or play (and often even to the author himself), and which the listener cannot fully remember, then the result is no good. But the report of their feelings to the listener - this is the main goal of the writer. Try to make your melody easy to hum, so that there are no big and sharp jumps up or down in it, unless of course you are trying to come up with a melody similar to a cardiogram.

The name of the song can be highlighted in its melody.

The most "catchy" place in the lyrics is often the part where one name or another is present. The part of the melody corresponding to this place in the text should also be highlighted. There are several ways to do this:

  • Changing the range (the name is sung with the use of lower or higher notes than those that sound in other parts of the melody);
  • Changing the rhythm (changing the rhythmic pattern in the place where the name sounds, will emphasize and highlight it favorably);
  • Pauses (you can insert a short pause immediately before the musical phrase containing the title).

The combination of melody and text content

Of course, in a good piece of music, all the components are in harmony with each other. To make sure that your melody fits the words, try recording the melody on a voice recorder or computer. This can be either an instrumental variant or a cappella (the usual "la la la"). Then, listening to the melody, try to determine what feelings it causes you, and whether they correspond to the text.

And the last tip. If you have a long time fail to find a successful melodic move; if you are stuck in one place and the melody is not moving forward, then just get distracted. Take care of other things, take a walk, sleep and it is quite possible that the insight will visit you by itself.

Watch the video: How To Write A Melody - VERY EASY TRICK! Songwriting 101 (March 2025).

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