My experience of playing in the orchestra: the story of a musician

Probably, if someone told me 20 years ago that I would work in a professional orchestra, I would not have believed it. In those years, I studied at the music school in flute class, and now I understand that it is very mediocre, although then, compared to other students, it was pretty good.

After graduating from music school, I strongly tied with music. "Music does not feed!" - all around were saying, and this is, indeed, sad, but true. However, there was some gap in the soul, and so there was not enough flute that, having learned about the brass band that existed in our city, I went there. Of course, I did not think that they would take me there, hoping to just be like that, play something. But the management had a serious intention, and they immediately took me.

And so, I sit in the orchestra. Around me are gray-haired, experienced musicians who have worked in orchestras all their lives. As it turned out, the team was male. For me at that moment it was not bad, they started to take care of me and did not make big claims.

Although, claims, probably inside everyone had enough. Years passed before I became a professional musician, with a conservatory and experience in the background. From me patiently and carefully nurtured a musician, and now I am immensely grateful to our team. The orchestra was very friendly, cohesive with numerous touring tours and even common corporate parties.

The music in the repertoire of the brass band has always been very diverse, ranging from the classics to the popular modern rock. Gradually, I began to understand how to play and what to look for. And this, in the first place - build.

Initially, it was very difficult, because the system in the process of playing and heating tools begins, which is called "swim." What to do? I was torn between playing harmoniously with the clarinets, which always sat side by side, and the pipes that blew into my back. Sometimes it seemed that I could not do anything, so my system “floated away” from me. All these difficulties over the years gradually gone.

I understood more and more what an orchestra is. It is a single body, an organism that breathes in unison. Each instrument in the orchestra is not individual, it is only a small part of one whole. All tools complement and help each other. If this condition is not met, the music will not work.

Many of my friends wondered why we needed a conductor. "You are not looking at him!" - they said. Indeed, it seemed that no one was looking at the conductor. In fact, peripheral vision works here: you need to simultaneously look at the notes and at the conductor.

The conductor is the cement of the orchestra. It depends on him how the orchestra will sound in the end, and whether this music will be pleasant to the viewer.

Conductors are different, and I worked with several of them. I remember one conductor, who, unfortunately, is no longer in this world. He was very demanding and demanding of himself and the musicians. At night he wrote scores and worked great with the orchestra. Even the audience in the hall noticed how assembled the orchestra became when it went to the conductor's stand. After rehearsals, the orchestra grew up professionally right before our eyes.

My experience in the orchestra is invaluable. He became simultaneously the experience of life. I am very grateful to life that she gave me such a unique chance.

Watch the video: When a professional musician sits down at a public piano. . (March 2025).

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